Hi Hans, is there some kind of randomizer involved in line-breaking? I have a 458 pages project, a book of humanities. When I immediately typeset (engine=luatex) it a second time, the resulting PDF differs on 14 pages, diffpdf-compared to the original PDF when I typeset it a third time, the resulting PDF differs on 7 pages, when I typeset it a forth time, the resulting PDF differs on 12 pages, when I typeset it a fifth time, the resulting PDF differs on 0 pages. "differs" means that there a paragraphs (mostly footnotes, rarely in the main text) that show different line-breaking: This doesn't mean wrong hyphenation, just *different* hyphenation, different each time. As you can imagine, I can't provide a minimal example for this, only the entire project-folder and the entire context-standalone. Steffen