Hi Matthew, I've been playing with metaobj and luatex 0.43 for a bit, and faced similar problems. Lots of stuff about "redundant" equations and other stuff I didn't understand. However, I've found that cleaning up your objects when you're done pretty much solves all my problems. For example, just add a clearObj line to your code makes it work for me: \startMPinclusions input metaobj; \stopMPinclusions \starttext \startMPpage newBox.a(\sometxt{hello world}); a.c = origin; drawObj(a); clearObj a; \stopMPpage \stoptext I'm not completely sure why this is clearObj a (and not clearObj(a), which seems to be more logical considering drawObj also takes parentheses), but that's probably something of the wonderful world of macro "programming". Hope this helps, Matthijs