Dear Hans, since you have promissed another hotfix release for TL 2010, here's a list of issues that I had with my thesis and MKIV (some have already been fixed in the due time, but many remained). I probably wouldn't have had those "problems" if I was designing my document in MKIV from scratch, but just recompiling in MKIV didn't work out for several reasons listed below. 1.) Minimal example: \usetypescript[iwona] \setupbodyfont[iwona] \starttext $a+b$ \stoptext Output: !define font : font with name Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular is not found !define font : unknown font Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular, loading aborted !define font : unable to define Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular as \*iwona6ptmmmr33* !define font : font with name Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular is not found !define font : unknown font Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular, loading aborted !define font : unable to define Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular as \*iwona8ptmmmr22* !define font : font with name Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular is not found !define font : unknown font Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular, loading aborted !define font : unable to define Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular as \*iwona11ptmmmr11* !define font : font with name Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular is not found etc. I need to figure out why, though it works (I don't see deficiencies in output yet). 2.) Recently discussed on the mailing list - stopper has no influence in MKIV: \setupcaptions[stopper={:}] \starttext \placefigure{title}{\framed{bla}} \stoptext 3.) Bibliography citations give different result with the same setup (different numbers and different spacing in \placepublication - might be also worth testing with grid typesetting as I wasn't able to set up the alignment properly in MKII last time when I have tried). I'm not sure which one is right, but there's probably no reason to produce different results. \usemodule [bib] \setuppublications [alternative=num, criterium=all, sorttype=cite] \starttext \startpublication[k=a,t=article]\arttitle{a}\stoppublication \startpublication[k=b,t=article]\arttitle{b}\stoppublication \startpublication[k=c,t=article]\arttitle{c}\stoppublication x\cite[a,b,c] \placepublications \stoptext 4.) The following problem must have appeared recently (it was working ok in September): in MKII the encoding is completely screwed up: \usemodule[gnuplot] \enableregime[utf-8] \starttext \startGNUPLOTscript[integrated risetime] plot sin(x) t 'šin(čix)' \stopGNUPLOTscript \useGNUPLOTgraphic[integrated risetime][1] \stoptext A slightly more basic example: \enableregime[utf-8] \starttext \startbuffer[gnu] \startMPcode draw \sometxt{čšž}; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer čšž \getbuffer[gnu] \stoptext 5.) Weird formula number placement when long equations are used in MKIV \def\oklepaj#1{\left(#1\right)} \starttext \placeformula \startformula {\dot N}(t)= A\oklepaj{\exp\oklepaj{-\frac{t-t_0}{τ_{\text{eksp.}}}}-\exp\oklepaj{-\frac{t-t_0}{τ_{\text{fast}}}}}+ B\oklepaj{\exp\oklepaj{-\frac{t-t_0}{τ_{\text{eksp.}}}}-\exp\oklepaj{-\frac{t-t_0}{τ_{\text{slow}}}}} \stopformula \stoptext 6.) I know that \NR is not the most appropriate way to go into next row, but the following gives considerably different results in MKII and MKIV: \starttable[|l|] \NC \type{a} \NC\NR \NC \type{a} \NC\NR \NC \type{a} \NC\NR \stoptable 7.) I know that there's a longstanding left vs. right bug, but flushleft is no solution in the following case (compare MKII and MKIV again): \definedescription [latexdesc] [headstyle={\ss\bf},style=normal,align=left,location=hanging,width=fit,margin=0cm] \latexdesc{step E (expectation):} \input tufte \latexdesc{step M (maximization):} \input tufte 8.) \definetypeface [boldmath] [mm] [boldmath] [latin-modern] [default] \starttext $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ \stoptext 9.) Note the big difference of when the formula starts vertically on page: \starttext \startformula a+b \stopformula \stoptext 10.) Different square root shape/variant used: $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2πσ_i^2}}$ Original formula: \startformula \startcases \NC ρ_0, \NC for $i=0$, \NR \NC ρ_i\,\frac{1}{\sqrt{2πσ_i^2}}\exp\biggl(-\frac{\left(x_j-μ_i\right)^2}{2σ_i^2}\biggr), \NC for $i\in\left\{1,2\right\}$. \NR \stopcases \stopformula but I cannot reproduce the big difference it makes in original document on a smaller scale. 11.) Missing bibliography entries: \usemodule[bib] % this line spoils the show \setuppublications[alternative=num] \setuppublicationlayout[webpage]{% \inserttitle{\bgroup\it }{\egroup. }{}% \inserturl{}{}{}% } \startpublication [k=FAIR,t=webpage,u=http://www.gsi.de/fair/] \biburl{http://www.gsi.de/fair/} \title{FAIR -- Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research} \stoppublication \starttext \cite[FAIR]\par \placepublications \stoptext 12.) \nocite[nonexistent] generates an empty [n] in bibliography in MKII, while it has zero effect in MKIV (it should at least generate an error). 13.) Different spacing \setupwhitespace[big] \def\dictentry#1#2{\hbox{\bf#1}\hbox{\hbox to 1em{}\hbox{#2}}\blank[4mm]} \starttext \dictentry{clipping}{preboj} \dictentry{clustering}{gručenje} \stoptext 14.) Two very weird issues with section alignments, but I'll continue later - I need some fresh air now. ------ What's the following BEWARE useful for? systems : BEWARE: syntex functionality is enabled! Mojca