Le 25 nov. 05 à 10:47, Wolfgang Zillig a écrit :
Maurice Diamantini (dom) schrieb:
And for people comming from LaTeX, it would be nice to see also : - a basic exemple for creating html from ConTeXt,
I would argument that it is easyer to create ConTeXt from a propper XML/XHTML source! But as it is the beginner manual a reference to the XML manual should be enough.
- some mathematics
not really a big problem, but you have the choice also to use MathML.
This is always the same difference of opinion : - Some people like to see the only input format to be xml (write xml for math, ...) and think *TeX as one of the output formats (as for pdf, xhtml, ps...). - Other poeple (specialy those coming from TeX community) prefere writing by hand (yes it does yet exists !) some readable and lite document with math formula or other, then convert then as pdf printable output and (if possible also some (x)?html resizable ouput format But perhaps I doesn't understand ConTeXt xml features. Perhaps context is able to generate xml files instead of only reading them? If it is the case, then let me know, as it could solve the html navigator problem. So I'll have to learn more about xm and xml styles? Maurice