batela wrote:
Many thanks for sharing your env file. I'm trying to use that making some projects and components files. But every-time I run texexec I found a error message. For fixing that I will need to include the files vz-cont.tex and vg05-general.
Hi she/he Batela, you are right (vz-cont contains my local settings, abbreviations and some macro patches related to current instalation; vg05-general contains Czech hyphenation exceptions and balancing definitions like: \setupcolumnsetlines[Rok-2][4][1][45] \setupcolumnsetlines[Rok-2][4][2][45] ). In closer view you will find even more included files like member list generated from XML and used for full name expansion to index. But there are provided all files that define design and can illustrate solutions. Take them as an inspiration and an example how to use some construct. I personally do not try to compile it with todays ConTeXt.
Did you can provide me some complete example of your work?
So, the answer is no. Vit