Am 24.02.2014 um 08:40 schrieb Flavien Lambert
Hi all, following the piece of advice, I tried to use tabulate but got an error message with the following code: \starttext \startcombination[1]{ \starttabulate[|r|l|] \NC c \NC centered \NC \AR \NC l \NC left aligned \NC \AR \NC r \NC right aligned \NC \AR \stoptabulate }{a} \stopcombination \stoptext
When you have content which covers multiple lines you have to put \framed around it. \starttext \startcombination[nx=1,ny=1] \startcontent \startframed[frame=off,align=normal,width=fit] \starttabulate[|r|l|] \NC c \NC centered \NC \AR \NC l \NC left aligned \NC \AR \NC r \NC right aligned \NC \AR \stoptabulate \stopframed \stopcontent \startcaption Tabulate \stopcaption \stopcombination \stoptext PS. When you have a new question start a new thread and do not only change the subject of a old thread. Wolfgang