Hello, Fei He wrote:
1. \setupcite[number][left=[, right=]] did not work. the citation still shows up in the text like (author, year)
In this case, you also need \setuppublications[refcommand=number], to change the default alternative for \cite. Or you could have used \cite[number][xxx] in the text instead of the defaulted version. Are you sure you want 'number' instead of 'num'?
2. either \completepublications or \placepublications wont show the publication list at the end of the paper without using \setup[pubs][criterium=all].
This is a strange, but known, buglet. The cleanest way of fixing it is \setuppublicationlist[criterium=all]
3. \setuppublications[numbering=yes] fails to put a number before the publication list at the end of the paper.
Try \setuppublicationlist[numbering=yes] ^^^^
I got the most updated m-bib.zip from http://texaanhet.net/bib/ and copied those file to my local hard drive at ...\texmf\tex\context\m-bib\. Also I just updated my context to the new released version.
If you have the very.very latest ConTeXt, you no longer need my zipped files. The bib module is now included in the distribution. Greetings and good luck, Taco