Am 25.11.2012 um 02:13 schrieb Kip Warner
Hey list,
I am trying to typeset the Verhulst equation which contains a Euler constant which I cannot get to display correctly:
\placeformula[formula:Verhulst equation] \startformula \math{P(t) = \frac{K P_0 \Eulerconst^{rt}} {K + P_0(\Eulerconst^{r t} - 1)}} \stopformula
The location for the \Eulerconst just shows up blank with nothing there, so I am assuming this is the wrong command. I am using ConTeXt 2012.11.16 under Ubuntu Precise.
You need a font which has the symbol, e.g. Cambria or Lucida OT.
In addition, the following formula does not typeset correctly. There is no arrow linking 't' to infinity symbol:
\placeformula[formula:Limit of Verhulst equation] \startformula \math{\lim_{t\to\infty} P(t) = K.\,} \stopformula
Works for me (Version 2012.11.23). BTW: Why do you use \math inside of \startformula because it’s the command for inline math in normal text? Wolfgang