Hi, I am trying to insert the same picture in a text at different places and in different sizes. The logo looks like a bicolor square with white text on top of it. After many errands, I wrote the following so that I can size as needed: \def\Logo#1% {\startMPgraphic % Top rectangle drawfill (0,0)--(2cm,0)--(2cm,1cm)--(0,1cm)--cycle with color blue ; % Bottom black rectangle drawfill (0,0)--(2cm,0)--(2cm,-1cm)--(0,-1cm)--cycle with color black ; % White Text draw btex \bf AB etex withcolor white ; % resize to size currentpicture := currentpicture scaled #1 ; \stopMPgraphic \loadcurrentMPgraphic \placeMPgraphic} All I get is a frame with "undefined" written in it. Any clues? I also try to have draft written in the right margin. I copied the text showed p156 of the Metafun manual (the second example from the top). Never had any success. Is there anything I am missing? Now weirder (to me at least). A bit further in my doc, I have a chart created with the chart module. I had to comment out the chart code. If I don't, all the logos and all the right margins (where I would like to see DRAFT) are replaced by the chart. And at the location where the chart is included, there is no chart (more precisely, there is no boxes and arrows but the labels are still there, scattered around over the text as an overlay). I am using teXExec 3.1 that comes with Cygwin. Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance, Emmanuel ************************************************************************** Have you checked our new corporate website at http://www.sgib.com ? The information contained herein is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). It shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Any unauthorized access, use, reproduction, disclosure or dissemination is prohibited. Neither SGIB nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall assume any legal liability or responsibility for any incorrect, misleading or altered information contained herein. **************************************************************************