I use Context for highly formatted non-fiction, but I am a bit reluctant to use it for much of my work because of the strange (to me) font handling arrangements. I see no purpose for the multiple synonyms of the same font. That just adds layers of extra work. And I am used to tweaking both the font size and the baselineskip by fractional amounts to help in getting the pagination just right and the spacing on the individual page correct. For example I have the main body font on a current project defined thus: \font\rm=8r-AGaramond-Regular at 10.5pt and this: \baselineskip 12.0pt plus .25pt If the page comes up a line short because of strict widow prevention then the extra space is distributed imperceptibly among the lines. \parskip is 0 pt for this novel. With a fixed baselineskip the extra space is distributed only at paragraph breaks, which gives an ugly result. This kind of fine tuning by users is perhaps foreign to Context as it now exists. Font sizes are in fixed steps for one thing. However abandoning the typescript etc. process deprives one of the useful feature of using tfa, tfb, tfx etc. to adjust font sizes semi-automatically. So here is my question. If I set up my own font definition system and as part of it I have statements like: \font\tfa bchr8r at 10.45pt \font\tfb bchr8r at 11.37pt ... ... will the rest of Context accept the above tfb font and size in places where a heading macro automatically defaults to tfb? John Culleton