On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 16:02, Yury G. Kudryashov wrote:
Xan xan wrote:
There is a technical explanation in "The Not so Short Introduction to LaTeX" [tobi.oetiker.ch/lshort/lshort.pdf] (page 129)
It's too much for me. I supose there are equivalencies in ConTeXt but too bit tech for me. You can \show (\showthe? I don't remember) vairous LaTeX dimensions:
Also look at http://www.mccme.ru/free-books/llang/newllang.pdf page 166. It is in Russian but the scheme should be self-explanatory. "дюйм" means "inch". I'm too lazy to find such scheme in English.
Comparing with page 129 (143) of http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf ... (which is almost the same as the Russian drawing) it is possible to reverse-engineer the dimensions, but I crossed against something I don't understand straight away. The distance between paper border and text is [1]+[3]=1 inch + 0pt + 22pt (but that doesn't seem to be the case in A4 paper setting anyway), while width of left margin in [10] = 106pt which makes the margin stick out of paper, right? One could experiment with settings like these: \setuplayout [backspace=\dimexpr 1in+22pt\relax, % [1] + [3] = (1 inch + \hoffset=0pt) + \oddsidemargin=22pt leftmargindistance=7pt, % [9] = \marginparsep=7pt leftmargin=106pt, % [10] = \marginparwidth=106pt ] % etc. \starttext \showlayout \inleft{some text very very very very long margin} \input tufte \stoptext but the drawing in TNSS is lying a bit (or maybe ConTeXt is wrong ... :). Mojca