Selon Taco Hoekwater
morgan.brassel@free.fr wrote:
Ok, it's clearer to me now. Then I've got one last question on the subject:
didn't manage to have paragraph indented inside an 'enumeration' block, is
I there
an option to do that? Thank you for your patience!
It is indeed possible, but the how is not very intuitive:
\startitemize[command=\indent] % or \setupitemize[each][command...] \item .... \stopitemize
the output looks dreadful to my eyes, and I really doubt this will ever become more easily supported.
Sorry, I wasn't precise enough: I would like to indent paragraphs inside a block created with \defineenumeration (like theorems...), not inside an itemize block. The output in this latter case is indeed quite awful.
I still think that it would be great to have one option to indent absolutely all paragraphs...
Is 'absolutely all' including the one above? What about float captions? And multi-line entries in tables? Or table of contents items? Or synonym entries? Footnotes?
By 'absolutely all', I mean just like when you use \setlength{\parindent}{1em} in LaTeX (plus eventually the indentfirst package for indenting after heads). Every paragraph (preceded by an empty line or \par) in the "text flow" will get indented, independently of: * what is above (formula, float, etc) * what environment it belongs to (quote, theorem, abstract, etc.), as long as this environment doesn't need alignment (like itemize, tabular, etc.) Of course, "particular" objects like captions, tables, footnotes, won't be concerned by indenting. I hope my explanations were clear enough... If needed, I can write a small LaTeX example and send it to the list. Best regards, Morgan