Aditya, On Jun 28, 2006, at 7:08 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, David Arnold wrote:
I have faced this problem in the past, but was never sure why it occured or how to rectify it. Try the command
mpost --tex=latex useemp.mp
on your shell. Do you get the same error message as before (you should).
Yes, same error message.
qdf $ mpost --tex=latex useemp.mp This is MetaPost, Version 0.901 (Web2C 7.5.5) (useemp.mp (qdftools.mpnewer: target file `qdftools.mpx' doesn't exist. /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/makempx: Command failed: latex mpxerr.tex; see mpxerr.log
qdftools.mp qdftools.mpx ! Unable to make mpx file. l.41 label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (5u,0)); Transcript written on useemp.log.
Now try,
makempx --tex=latex useemp.mp useemp.mpx
Does this create an mpx file?
qdf $ ls OTqdbpreview.sty dev.qdf sample2.qdf dev.1 dev.tex useemp.mp dev.mp functions.qdf useemp.pdf dev.pdf qdftools.mp useemp.tex qdf $
qdf $ makempx --tex=latex useemp.mp useemp.mpx newer: target file `useemp.mpx' doesn't exist. dvitomp: mpx14741.dvi: No such file or directory mv: rename mpx14741.dvi to mpxerr.dvi: No such file or directory /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/makempx: Command failed: dvitomp mpxerr.dvi useemp.mpx
qdf $ ls OTqdbpreview.sty functions.qdf sample2.qdf dev.1 mpx14741.aux useemp.mp dev.mp mpx14741.log useemp.pdf dev.pdf mpx14741.tex useemp.tex dev.qdf mpxerr.log dev.tex qdftools.mp
Doesn't look like it.
If it does, then atleast a workaround for the problem is to have
\immediate\write18{makempx --tex=latex \jobname.mp \jobname.mpx} before \immediate\write18{mpost --tex=latex \jobname}.
If makempx fails, look at the output of
makempx --verbose --tex=latex useemp.mp useemp.mpx
What do you get?
qdf $ makempx --verbose --tex=latex useemp.mp useemp.mpx /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/makempx: Invalid option: --verbose. Try `makempx --help' for more information.
qdf $ makempx --help Usage: /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/makempx [- tex|-tex=<program>|-troff] MPFILE MPXFILE. If MPXFILE is older than MPFILE, translate the labels from the MetaPost input file MPFIle to low-level commands in MPXFILE, by running mpto -tex, , and dvitomp by default; or, if -troff is specified, mpto -troff, eqn -Tps -d\$\$ | troff -Tps, and dmp.
The current directory is used for writing temporary files. Errors are left in mpxerr.{tex,log,dvi}.
If the file named in $MPTEXPRE (mptexpre.tex by default) exists, it is prepended to the output in tex mode.
Hmm... the makempx that comes with miktex has --verbose, the one that comes with context standalone does not. So, you seem to have one from context.
How about following makempx commands "by hand" that is,
mpto useemp.mp
This should strip out everything between btex ... etex into some tex commands. If this works,
mpto useemp.mp > temp.tex
Any non-existing filename instead of "temp" will do. Then do,
latex temp.tex
dvitomp temp.mp useemp.mpx
and if all of these work without any error, do
mpost useemp
If possible, use Context to create the graphics, i.e.
texexec --mptex useemp.mp
to get mps files (.1, .2, etc) or
texexec --mpgraphic useemp.mp pdf2ps useemp.pdf
If however, you need to stick to latex for some reason, you need to figure out what is going wrong with your system.
Sorry, none of this works. I think you need to see what useemp.mp looks like. qdf $ cat useemp.mp %%% useemp.mp -- do not edit, generated automatically by useemp.tex verbatimtex \documentclass [10pt]{article} \begin {document} etex; input qdftools; beginfig(1); LaTeX_unitlength := 28.45274pt; w := 4*LaTeX_unitlength; h := 4*LaTeX_unitlength; numeric u; 10u=3in; gridfivefive; xyaxesfivefive; endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex; %%% the end. end. endinput; See, there aren't any btex ... etex commands in there. But see the input qdftools? That file looks like this: qdf $ cat qdftools.mp numeric s; s=0.2; color gridlines; gridlines:=(s,s,s); def openbluedot(expr pos)= fill fullcircle scaled 4pt withcolor white; draw fullcircle scaed 4pt withcolor blue; enddef; def openreddot(expr pos)= fill fullcircle scaled 4pt withcolor white; draw fullcircle scaed 4pt withcolor red; enddef; def filledreddot(expr pos)= fill fullcircle scaled 4pt withcolor red; draw fullcircle scaed 4pt withcolor red; enddef; def filledbluedot(expr pos)= fill fullcircle scaled 4pt withcolor blue; draw fullcircle scaed 4pt withcolor blue; enddef; def vtick(expr pos)= draw ((0,-3)--(0,3)) shifted pos; enddef; def htick(expr pos)= draw ((-3,0)--(3,0)) shifted pos; enddef; def gridfivefive = for k=-5u step 1u until 5u: draw (-5u,k)--(5u,k) withcolor gridlines; draw (k,-5u)--(k,5u) withcolor gridlines; endfor; enddef; def xyaxesfivefive= drawdblarrow (-5u,0)--(5u,0); label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (5u,0)); label.bot(btex $25$ etex, (5u,0)); drawdblarrow (0,-5u)--(0,5u); label.top(btex $y$ etex, (0,5u)); label.lft(btex $5$ etex, (0,5u)); enddef; endinput; And that causes the problem. pdflatex --shell-escape useemp.tex ... (useemp.mp (qdftools.mpnewer: target file `qdftools.mpx' doesn't exist. /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/makempx: Command failed: latex mpxerr.tex; see mpxerr.log
qdftools.mp qdftools.mpx ! Unable to make mpx file. l.41 label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (5u,0)); Transcript written on useemp.log.
emp: File useemp.1 not found: emp: Process useemp.mp with MetaPost and then reprocess this file. [1{/Users/darnold/Library/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}] (./useemp.aux) ) Output written on useemp.pdf (1 page, 7944 bytes). Transcript written on useemp.log. Now, the strange thing is that everything works if I change mpost - tex=latex \jobname to mpost \jobname in useemp.tex.