Pablo Rodriguez írta:
Dear list,
from the previous message from Csikos, I have generated the following sample:
\setupbodyfontenvironment[default][a=5, x=8, xx=6] \starttext Default {\tfa Larger} {\tfx Smaller1} {\tfxx Smaller1} \\ Default \tfa Larger \tfx Smaller2 \tfxx Smaller2 \stoptext
I can set a different value for a, but not for x or xx. The values for x and xx seem to be hardcoded.
Just for clarity, my problem was not that I couldn't change the value of x and xx. My problem was that \tfx and \tfxx behave differently than \tfa \tfb etc. I expected that \tfx and \tfxx change the font size to x and xx size compared to the default/normal size and not compared to the currently used/environment font size. According to the reference manual that would be the expected behavior. The reference manual [pages 106-107 (108-109 pdf pages)] writes: "Besides these two-letter commands, there is a series of font selector commands with a size suffix attached. Some examples of that are: \tfx \bfx \slx \itx \tfa \tfb \tfc \tfd \tfxx The a suffix selects a somewhat larger font size than the default. Each of the ordered alphabetic suffixes a, b, … select a somewhat larger actual font than the previous suffix. The x and xx suffixes select smaller and yet smaller versions. Note that these commands select font sizes relative to the default, not relative to whatever font size is currently in effect." I don't see how the fixed values for x and xx is related to this. Best regards, bcsikos