Dear Hans, I am also intersted in this issue. In the last years I am dealing with a multi-language technical lexicon. Hence, different languages refer to different columns, and if the languages are three or four, then it is better to go with two pages side-by-side. Nevertheless this seems a problem also in LaTeX redelpar (multiple columns are not supported). I tried to manage it with \linetable but without success (https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/380923/synchronise-data-spanning-ove...) I think this feature could be really interesting because, according to my knowledge, ConTeXt is at present the best way to manage the publishing of XML data. Hence, this could be a useful tool to publish large sets of data. Thank you in advance Marcello Urgo, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Manufacturing and Production Systems Lab. Mechanical Engineering Department POLITECNICO DI MILANO Via La Masa, 1 - 20156 Milano Phone +39 02 2399 8521 Fax +39 02 2399 8585 tecnologie.mecc.polimi.ithttp://tecnologie.mecc.polimi.it/ www.polimi.ithttp://www.polimi.it/ This message may contain confidential and/or otherwise reserved information and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from your computer. Thank you. Il presente messaggio può contenere informazioni di carattere confidenziale e/o riservate ed è quindi ad uso esclusivo del destinatario. Nel caso aveste ricevuto questa e-mail per errore siete pregati di contattare immediatamente il mittente e di cancellare il messaggio ed i suoi allegati dal vostro computer. Grazie.