Just a re-ask (I've not been able to figure this out yet) for the
ConTeXt experts.
Jesse Alama
I'd like to have endnotes placed in an appendix. I would like that appendix not to be one large list of notes; instead, I would like the notes to be grouped into sections within the appendix. Currently, I'm aware of
This setup produces a list of notes labeled in ascending numerical order, with numbering reset by chapters.
Appendix A: Notes
1 Note from chapter 1. 2 Second note from chapter 1. 3 Third note from chaper 1. 1 First note from chapter 2. 2 Second note from chapter 2. 1 First note from chapter 3 ...
I'd like to have the endnotes grouped by chapter and displayed something like this
Appendix A: Notes
Notes from Chapter 1: My Great Chapter
1 Note from chapter 1. 2 Second note from chapter 1. 3 Third note from chaper 1.
Notes from Chapter 2: My Second Great Chapter
1 First note from chapter 2. 2 Second note from chapter 2.
Notes from Chapter 3: ...
I've looked through the mailing list and the wiki, but I've not been able to find out how to accomplish what I'm after. Any ideas?
-- Jesse Alama (alama@stanford.edu)