Hi Thomas,
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Thomas A. Schmitz
Hi all, esp. Hans and Taco,
just two simple questions about some minor imperfections in mkiv/ luatex. I'm not impatient, just wondering if these are things that you're working on right now or if they will have to wait:
1. processing xml files with a DTD. This is something we discussed a couple of weeks ago: when I process a valid xml file which begins with a DTD, the output I get in mkiv is "invalid xml file"; the same file processes fine when I remove the DTD. Back then (on 08-03-17), Taco wrote: "It is a bug in luatex, but not an easy one to fix." So I'm wondering if there's any progress on this one, or if it has to wait.
What Taco meant was the problem with the XML declaration in the first line which was printed verbatim in your document instead of being ignored and Hans fixed it with Lua code. The DTD is a problem with the ConTeXts XML parser and has nothing to do with LuaTeX (hope this is right).
2. error reports in luatex. This is something that comes up time and again on the mailing list and which I experienced myself yesterday. I had inadvertently deleted my luatex-cache and tried to run mkiv on a file. The report I got was "attempt to call field 'error' (a nil value)". Now I'm aware that TeX error reporting could be cryptic at times, but at least it was a kind of cryptic to which we had gotten used. With luatex, I'm constantly baffled - in a 100 years, I wouldn't have guessed that this error message meant "I can't find the cache and the format." So I was wondering if this is something that you're working on: making error messages more informative/comprehensible for users.
Hadn't there plans to give more detailed error messages for ConTeXt as html page. Wolfgang