I have a problem with Lua and the "#" operator. If I execute the following code I receive an error. \def\luacode% {\startluacode local t = {1, 2, 3} tex.print(#t) \stopluacode} \starttext \luacode \stoptext ConTeXt give me the message: ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \luacode. <to be read again> t l.4 tex.print(#t ) And if I execute the "H" command I get: You meant to type ## instead of #, right? Or maybe a } was forgotten somewhere earlier, and things are all screwed up? I''m going to assume that you meant ##. I've tryed with ##t, whit \#t, with \string#t, with \ctxlua instread of \startluacode and \stopluacode, and I've obtained some other errors, but ConTeXt always give me an error. Maybe should I escape in another manner the "#" operator?