On 13 Oct 2021, at 18:37, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 10/13/2021 6:01 PM, Hans Åberg via ntg-context wrote:
I was suggested a long ago to hack the file /usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-math.tex and use LuaTeX directly, now using Version 1.13.2 (TeX Live 2021), but I get this error: (./luaotfload.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.tex)) (./luatex-math-modified.tex[\directlua]:1: attempt to index a nil value (global 'arguments') stack traceback: [\directlua]:1: in main chunk. l.132 } ? … It is from this segment in the modified luatex-math.tex: \ifdefined\directlua \directlua { if arguments["mtx:lucidabright"] then tex.print("\string\\lucidabright") else tex.print("\string\\latinmodern") end } \fi Is there a workaround? —I may ditch this setup in favour of using 'context' directly, so it is not so important if there is no fix. I have no clue ..
Has not stuff been moved from LuaTeX to ConTeXt? —If so, I thought it might have something with that to do.
it looks like you load a latex style so I suppose that 'arguments' is no longer defined there (as it worked for you in the past).
It does not contain it; it a copy in the same directory that has never changed.
Maybe 'arguments' lives in some namespace?
\directlua {for k, v in pairs(_G) do print(k.v) end}
This will show you what is in the global namespace, maybe 'arg'?
If I put this code in right before the \ifdefined\directlua it prints a lot of "nil".