2011/3/14 Carlos Breton Besnier
2011/3/12 Florian Wobbe
Maybe we should start a discussion in a new thread to find out:
5) how to better promote context to new/latex users?
I think is needed a installation guide for non-technical. A guide not only for programmers but a simple guide for dummies. Like me, I am no-developer, I write law books. Latex installation and update is very simple for beginners. On Windows with MiKTeX, everyone can write very soon his first document. Not so with ConTeXt, except old stand-alone installation. It's cause of frustration and after several attempts they give up. Then they return to LaTeX (like me too).
Well, with TeX Live 2010 it's very simple to use MkII with both pdfTeX and XeTeX. Hopefully, some future version of TeX Live (2011?) will offer the same for MkIV. Script is already there, it's just not integrated with TeXworks in TeX Live yet. Regards, Vedran Miletić