5 Mar
5 Mar
6:25 p.m.
On Sat, 4 Mar 2017, kaddour kardio wrote:
Hi everyone, i have a quiet simple question as i'm a beginnerin ConTeXT (with a background of 05 years with LaTeX): Is it possible tu use tabulate environment as a header?
Yes, but there were too many typos in your code. \setupheadertexts[\setups{tableheader}] \startsetups tableheader \starttabulate[|p|p|] \NC Clinique médico chirurgicale El Abrar \NC \externalfigure[width=1.5cm][logo.png] \NC \NR \stoptabulate \stopsetups \setuppagenumbering[location=footer] \starttext \input knuth \stoptext Aditya