On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Jaroslav Hajtmar
Thanks Mojca for comments. I agree that the output format can be set as needed (a lots of time of experimentation). But I needed a special sort of bibliographic items (numbering according to their occurrence in the text) and that I have unfortunately failed. For average amateurs are code modifications beyond its capabilities. I just want to say that ConTeXt is absolutely amazing tool, but sometimes without professional advice the desired result is unattainable. When time is pressed and help not comming, sometimes a lot can be stressful. However, to not complaint BUT it is the mere statement. This conference is above standard and willing to help to laity.
FWIW, I decided to just hand-write all the (MLA-style) citations in my masters thesis. In case you are not too far into your writing, an option would be to use pandoc which has CSL support. There are multiple MLA styles for CSL ( http://zotero.org/styles), though I have no idea if they are good for your purpose. This would be the equivalent of pre-rendering your citations as you translate from Markdown to Context. So by Context they should already be plain-text and require little or no special handling (you might need to add a command to make the bibliography at the end of 'overhanging').