On 26.09.18 12:56, Jan U. Hasecke wrote:
On 26.09.18 09:03, Marco Patzer wrote:
I looked into it and this is what I came up with:
\definepageshift [flyer] [horizontal] [\dimexpr\measure{bleed}/2-\measure{shortfold}\relax, \dimexpr\measure{bleed}/2\relax, \dimexpr\measure{bleed}/2\relax, \dimexpr\measure{bleed}/2+2\measured{shortfold}\relax, \dimexpr\measure{bleed}/2\relax, \dimexpr\measure{bleed}/2-\measure{shortfold}\relax]
I don't get the same values like before, when I calculate with these equations.
And while the aligns of the pages look good I get irregular bleeds. Especially the left edge bleed seems to be too small.
I am so bad at math. :-(
After writing down all values I realized that I never questioned the strange value 6.8. With 7 it is quite easy. ;-) \definepageshift [flyer] [horizontal] [\dimexpr\measure{bleed}-\measured{shortfold}\relax, \measure{bleed}, \measure{bleed}, \dimexpr2\measured{shortfold}+\measured{bleed}\relax, \measure{bleed}, \dimexpr\measure{bleed}-\measured{shortfold}\relax ] Thanks a lot for your help. juh -- Soziale Plastik. Die Kunst der Allmende Essay zum 30. Todestag von Joseph Beuys http://www.amazon.de/dp/1523458763/ Taschenbuch, 130 Seiten, EUR 9,90