On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 17:04:32 +0100
Eckhart Guthöhrlein
On Thursday 23 January 2003 15:55, Hans Hagen wrote:
The force can go into a module, say m-mppie.tex, which also loads the piechart module, say:
\appendtoks input piechartmp ; \to \everyMPinitializations
but the vardef redefiniton can best go into the mp file, if not it can also go into the module, or be one of the options of SetupText
So, Jens-Uwe and you should sort out what to put where, include the module in the distribution and add an adequate section "use with context" in the piechartmp docs.
The next release of piechartMP will provide ConTeXt support. In text-mode 1 (SetupText) it will detect ConTeXt automatically, and will use textext instead of current _makeText. Hans, can you give me a hint how i can test that piechartMP is used "inside" ConTeXt? It is not enough to test for the MetaFun macro/variables, since MetaFun can be used without ConTeXt too. BTW, i would recommend to use piechartMP stand-alone. Currently i'm working on a new release that allows labels to be typeset using ConText. You only have to call MetaPost like: mpost --tex=texexec ... Since this release features a completely rewritten, key-value-based user-interface it needs still some time to update the documentation. The work-around Hans gave in the previous mail will not work with the new release anymore. So please don't change anything in ConTeXt. Jens