Am 27.07.2013 um 16:29 schrieb john Culleton
I think I will encapsulate the "\quotation" method in a macro like \def\qq{\\quotation\{} or similar. Two keystrokes are better than nine.
Use \delimitedtext[qq][quotation] to create a new quote command.
I note that the plain TeX version of closing quotes, '' still works. Would it be that hard to make the opening quotes of `` still work?
You’re wrong the output of '' looks correct but it isn’t as you can see in the following example. When you write ' context replaces it with ’ which is together with -- and --- one of the remaining fake ligatures which can be enabled with the “tlig=yes” in \definefontfeature. \starttext \type{''} = '' \type{”} = ” \stoptext
Not every change is an improvement, IMO.
One could misuse the translate module for this but I really suggest to move forward and use direct input of “ and ” or \quotation{…}. \usemodule[translate] \translateinput[``][“] \translateinput[''][”] \enableinputtranslation \starttext ``text'' \stoptext Wolfgang