Hans Hagen wrote:
Stefan Wachter wrote:
Processing a large document containing the following lines:
>>>>>>start \externalfigure[/home/swachter/projekte/infotakt/vdp/export/bu/bu.ilboo/ziffer8.ilboo/bu8-3_refkom.ilboo/graphics.ilfdr/bu8-3_241-242_1.png]
is for some reason the _ an active character ?
In supp-fil you may try the following (add the \_ definition)
\catcode`\/=\@@active \catcode`\:=\@@active \catcode`\~=\@@active \catcode`\_=\@@active
\gdef\sanitizefilename#1\to#2% {\bgroup \edef/{\string/}% \edef:{\string:}% \edef~{\string~}% \edef_{\string_}% \expanded{\xdef\noexpand\sanitizedfilename{#1}}% \egroup % maybe \convertcommand\sanitizedfilename\to#2% \let#2\sanitizedfilename}
untested -)
Hans Hi Hans,
thanks for the quick reply. I made the proposed changes but the error is still there. (I also run "texexec --make ..." and tried again.) Do you have another idea that could solve the problem? Thanks, --Stefan