Am 24. Februar 2012 12:51 schrieb Jan Heinen
My book is ready and I want to print it next week.
1. The printer told me to set up my PDF with the following values: PDF/X-1a:2003, ISO Coated v2 (ECI)
2. And I did:
\setupbackend [format=PDF/X-1a:2003, intent={ISO Coated v2 (ECI)}]
Since ConTeXt doesn’t touch your pictures color spaces or profiles, you need to make sure all of them are converted to the same CMYK color space. It would be enough if each of them had a correct profile, regardless of color space, if you printshop would accept PDF/X-3, but PDF/X-1 doesn’t allow mixed profiles or deviating color spaces.
3. Then I send a test-PDF to my printer and got the following answer:
4. The printers answer in german: Die Ausgabebedingung ist mit FOGRA 39 hinterlegt. Dadurch erscheint eine falsche Farbvoransicht. FOGRA 39 sind "nur" Charakterisierungsdaten zur Erzeugung von ICC-Profilen für die entsprechenden Ausgabebedingungen. Wenn die Bilddaten in den "ISO Coated v2 (ECI)" Farbraum separiert wurden, sollte dieser am Besten hier als Name hinterlegt werden. Die Kennung der Ausgabebedingung wäre "Fogra 39".
He says (i.e. my understanding of what he wants to say): The output profile [of the PDF] is set as "FOGRA 39" [that is a variant of ISO Coated]. That's the reson for a wrong color preview. FOGRA 39 is "only" characterization data for according output conditions. If you separated your image data to ISO Coated v2 ECI [a different variant of ISO Coated], then you must set that as output profile. But our output conditions are FOGRA 39. I.e., as I said above, don’t use or declare different profiles. Greetlings, Hraban