Hi everyone, I'm happy to see that by now almost all of microtype's features are available in Lua, almost like in the old days. There's one thing that seems a bit strange, though: While I have no trouble applying letter spacing using \textls or \lsstyle to regular, italic, or bold text, I can't get it to work on small caps. What's even stranger: while this problem occurs with all fonts I've tried, it does /not/ occur when I don't specify a font at all. Consider the example below. The only way to get the correct output, with spaced small caps, is to deactivate the \setmainfont line -- which obviously isn't what you'd want :) Any hints are appreciated; chances are I just have to add a thing here or there. best Nils. \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{fontspec,microtype} \setmainfont{Minion Pro}%or TeX Gyre Termes, or Latin Modern Roman... \begin{document} stealing sheep\par \textls{stealing sheep}\par \textsc{stealing sheep}\par \textls{\textit{stealing sheep}}\par \textls{\textbf{stealing sheep}}\par \textls{\textsc{stealing sheep}} \end{document}