On 2013-07-29, at 5:34 AM, Hans Hagen
On 7/29/2013 3:24 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Some questions/remarks about math fences
1. When using
\definemathfence[colorbracket][bar][middle=0x7C,color=red, command=yes] \starttext
\startformula \colorbracket{\frac {a}{b}\fence a = b}^n \stopformula
The delimiter is of the wrong color (black instead of red), and the clause after \fence is red. I am doing something wrong or is it a bug.
Just not yet done .. coloring such math thingies is somewhat tricky ... added.
2. For some types of expressions, for example, probability, the middle delimiter should have the space similar to mathrel, rather than mathord. For example, while typing I often use:
\Pr\left( X = \frac {a}{b} \,\middle|\, Y = \frac{c}{d} \right)
Would it be worthwhile to add these extra spaces by default (not sure what is the convention in physics/quantum mechanics for bra and ket notation) or as an option.
I'll add \mskip\thinmuskip around the middle ... no clue what key/value to use so we can wait tile someone complaints
3. Finally, why are the default values of left, middle, and right = 0x2E. Isn't 0x7C a better default?
Well, the period is (for tex) special in the sense that it is a nop so if you only want
and no
then explaining to a user that a period is to be used to nil the right symbol is somewhat less troublesome.
One sets up the wanted symbols anyway.
Of course. I use unmatched delimiters so infrequently that I forgot about it. Math fences replace most of the functionality of my old mathsets module. The only missing feature is the text key, but that is a specialized use case, so I'll just update mathsets so that it uses math fences in the background. I it really necessary to use Unicode characters to specify left, right, etc? I ink that most math users will be more comfortable using literal symbols, {,[,(,|, etc or tex names \Vert, \vert, etc. Aditya