Am 09.04.2013 um 21:45 schrieb "H. Özoguz"
Best look into some type-imp files to see how typescript are defined.
I looked in the wiki, and my minexample is from the wiki, too. What is a "type-imp"?
Hans speaks of the type-imp-texgyre.mkiv, type-imp-latinmodern.mkiv etc. files
So I changed the code into: +++++++++++++++ \starttypescript [serif] [nimbus]
\definefontsynonym [Serif] [file:AGaramondPro-Regular.otf]
\definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [file:AGaramondPro-Bold.otf]
\definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [file:AGaramondPro-Italic.otf]
\definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [file:AGaramondPro-BoldItalic.otf]
\definetypeface [nimbus] [rm] [serif] [nimbus]
\input tufte
\stoptext ++++++++++++++++++++
Hanging is now activated, but not with the defined font "AGaramondPro", but with Computer Modern, so now the typescript is not accepted. So changing the command orders does not help, at least not alone.
You tried to load your nimbus font before it was defined, move \definetypeface *before* \setupbodyfont to make it work.
Sorry, I did not understand, what you mean with "what features? maybe add *default or so ... depends on how general definitions are".
You need [features=default] either at the end of each \definefontsynonym command or at the end of \definetypeface.
Which "features" do you mean, and what is the question? I simply copied this from the wiki, and hoped that I could use AdobeGaramond now. It works, but not together with Hanging.
I corrected your example above: \starttypescript [serif] [nimbus] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [file:AGaramondPro-Regular.otf] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [file:AGaramondPro-Bold.otf] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [file:AGaramondPro-Italic.otf] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [file:AGaramondPro-BoldItalic.otf] \stoptypescript \definefontfeature[default][default][protrusion=quality,expansion=quality] \definetypeface [nimbus] [rm] [serif] [nimbus] [features=default] \setupbodyfont[nimbus,rm,12pt] \setupalign[hz,hanging] \starttext \input tufte \stoptext Wolfgang