Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
sorry if this is yet another bib question: the "authornum" cite style is a recent addition. It doesn't accept all the setup functions that other styles (such as "authornum") do. The one thing I miss most ATM is the "andtext" option between a publication with several authors. It takes the form Author1,Author2 (just a comma, no space; this can be configured in authornum). I tried adapting the code in bibl-tra.mkiv l. 1506-1515, but failed miserably. Would it be possible to add the configurable andtext to authornum?
Hm, can you try this redefinition? \unprotect \def\bibinsertrefsep {\ifconditional\firstbibrefsep \setfalse\firstbibrefsep \else \ifnum\recurselevel=\bibitemcounter\relax \bibalternative\c!lastpubsep \else \bibalternative\c!pubsep \fi \fi} \protect