Problem: reset path
Also without expected results. So what is wrong in the following code?
\starttext \usesubpath[lofo1] \processXMLfilegrouped{aqq.xml} \usesubpath[reset]
try: \usepath[reset]
I did so. I've noticed that 'reset' option works for \usepath only but I still get the solution. Please consider the following example (attached). We have './lofo1' and './lofo2' directories, each contains 'x.xml' file (the same filename but different content). ConTeXt code is as following: \starttext \usepath[lofo1] \processXMLfilegrouped{x.xml} \usepath[reset] \usepath[lofo2] \processXMLfilegrouped{x.xml} \stoptext In this case 'reset' option works probably OK, since \allinputpaths variable IS redefined to \empty (lines 99 to 104 of core-job.tex). So I expect that the first processed XML file should be './lofo1/x.xml' and the second -- './lofo2/x.xml'. But './lofo1/x.xml' file is processed twice instead. What construction should I use to process two or more XML files, which have the same name but different localization? I'm aware that my problem is not common but... Thanks for Your help, Pawe/l