Am 13.07.2011 um 12:05 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Great!!!! Hans, thanx very much for complete an exhaustive answer.. It very help me to solve my module
A few dozen commands to access values aren’t a perfect solution, there are better ways to access entries from a Lua table. \starttext \startusercode entries = { one = "1", two = "2", three = "Three", five = "More text!" } function getentry(name) local entry = entries[name] or "" global.context(entry) end \stopusercode \define[1]\getentry{\usercode{getentry("#1")}} \starttabulate \NC one \EQ \getentry{one} \NC\NR \NC two \EQ \getentry{two} \NC\NR \NC three \EQ \getentry{three} \NC\NR \NC four \EQ \getentry{four} \NC\NR \NC five \EQ \getentry{five} \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stoptext Wolfgang