Well, this is pretty old news, so I'm not sure if a reply is still
called for; whatever, here comes: I'm not quite sure why Giuseppe is
trying to use eomega instead of plain ole pdftex. I mean, you're not
writing Greek in Unicode, right? If you're still interested, drop me a
line, I have a home-cooked Greek package for ConTeXt which works very
well on my box (which is teTeX on Mac OS X); I could send you the
files. And the iota subscript is usuall done with an | after the vowel,
as in a|. The combination =A (alpha with circumflex) does not occur in
classical Greek without a breathing, but Idris sent me this asking me to forward it. My reply follows. ===8<==============Original message text===============
Hi Giuseppe, I was digging in the archives and came across this; I don't think I
ever saw
this message (must have been busy at the time). Did you ever get an
I'm sure that editing the otp's will get you the result u wanted quite
but in the year since u wrote this u've probably figured that out
already:-) Best
Idri [NTG-context] (Classical) greek in ConTeXt/Gamma
Giuseppe Bilotta ntg-context@ntg.nl
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 15:40:35 +0200 Hello, I don't know if Idris is following the group (I hope he is), but
anyway I have a couple of questions on the support for Greek in
ConTeXt, Omega and thus also Gamma. The need is that of typesetting classical greek snippets in a
latin (Italian, but could be English) context. I thought that
ConTeXt+(e-)Omega would be the best thing in town, so I prepared a
small test file: \usemodule[gamma] \mainlanguage[italian] \starttext Possiamo scrivere tranquillamente in italiano; questo non ci priva
per\`o della possibilit\`a di scrivere in greco: vediamo subito
l'alfabeto minuscolo e maiuscolo (notare come j dia \greek{j}
e c dia il sigma di fine parola \greek{c}): \startgreek
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
\stopgreek \`E ovviamente possibile usare segni diacritici come gli accenti
(\greek{`a, 'a, =a}) o gli spiriti (\greek{ \stoptext While it seems to work pretty well most of the time, there seem to
be some problems; I'd like to know where they arise from and if
and how they can be fixed. The problems: Combination Doesn't give
Moreover, I don't know how to write the subscribed iota. My system
is a MiKTeX 2.2 with (e-)Omega 1.15. Does anybody have an idea? --
Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta ===8<===========End of original message text=========== My reply: Well, I'm pretty sure the bug is in the OTPs that come with
Omega (which is pretty funny, considering that Yannis *is*
Greek ...). I guess that when the rougher edges in Aleph are
fixed we'll start correcting the OCPs :) --
Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta _______________________________________________
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