Hello Peter, may be the following is suiting your needs: \def\Line{\NC \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC\AR} \starttext Here is some other text followed by a table. \blank \startlocalfootnotes[n=0] \starttablehead \HL \NC command \NC meaning \NC\SR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \HL \stoptabletail \starttables[|l|l|] \NC \tex{NC} \NC next column\footnote{A footnote}\NC\AR \dorecurse{20}{\Line} \stoptables {\placelocalfootnotes} \stoplocalfootnotes \blank The text proceeds here. \stoptext Willi Peter Münster wrote:
Hello, is there a possibility to use footnotes in tables? Unfortunately, the table gets printed over the footnote in the following example:
\def\Line{\NC \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC\AR} \starttext \starttablehead \HL \NC command \NC meaning \NC\SR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \HL \stoptabletail \starttables[|l|l|] \NC \tex{NC} \NC next column\footnote{A footnote}\NC\AR \dorecurse{40}{\Line} \stoptables \stoptext
TIA for any help, Peter