Rik Kabel mailto:context@rik.users.panix.com 12. August 2015 00:29 On 2015-08-11 14:49, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Rik Kabel mailto:context@rik.users.panix.com 4. August 2015 00:18 Should processors work with references? I would think that they should, but the following fails. (My backmatter page numbers need to be marked to distinguish them from bodymatter pages. I can automate applying a processor based on the location for index register entries, but not for references.) \defineprocessor [bodypart] [style=bold] \defineprocessor [backpart] [style=italic]
\defineconversionset[bodypart:pagenumber][][bodypart->n] \defineconversionset[backpart:pagenumber][][backpart->n]
\at{page}[sec:knuth]\par \at{page}[sec:zapf]
\at{page}[sec:knuth]\par \at{page}[sec:zapf]
This is clearly a superior solution to my index-only attempt, handling all references to backmatter pages without regard to their being in the index or in text references.
However, the page number adjustment via \setupheadertexts is handled only at the top center (default location) of each page. Can you suggest how to modify this to support an un-processed page number in the right margin of the footer of backmatter pages? I currently use:
\setupheadertexts[][chapter][part][] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided,location={footer,margin}]
and I do not see where {\convertedcounter[userpage][numberconversionset=number]} or something else to restore un-processed numbers might work, despite trying with \setupfootertexts, \setuppagenumbering, \setuppagenumbering, and related commands. Disable the page number (\setuppagenumbering[location=none]) and use \setupfootertexts to place it.
\setupfootertexts[margin][][{\convertedcounter[userpage][numberconversionset=number]}][{\convertedcounter[userpage][numberconversionset=number]}][] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided,location=none] Wolfgang