Am 23.05.2011 um 15:39 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
Dear all,
I'm struggling with quotation blocks and proper placing of citations… In an ideal world I'd be striving for something like this:
\startquotation[source=…] \input tufte \stopquotation
where … could be either of:
1. a simple string: {Edward Tufte}, 2. a citation command: \cite[Tuf:yyyy] 3. a footnote: \footnote{See \cite[Tuf:yyyy]}
This should be typeset immediately after the closing delimiter and well before \stopnarrower.
\usemodule[annotation] \definenarrower [NarrowQuotation] [middle=4em] \define[2]\QuotationCommand {\startNarrowQuotation “#2”\annotationparameter{source}% \stopNarrowQuotation} \defineannotation [extendedquotation] [alternative=command, command=\QuotationCommand, spacebefore=halfline] \starttext \input tufte \startextendedquotation[source=\footnote{See Tufte …}] \input tufte \stopextendedquotation \input tufte \stoptext Wolfgang