ANNOUNCEMENT The MKII bibliography module (\usemodule[bib]), described in http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Bibliography has undergone, first a re-write, keeping up with MKIV, then a complete re-conception of the handling of bibliographies. We introduced into the core of MKIV a dataset subsystem, not necessarily limited to the generation of bibliographic lists. This new subsystem has been part of the distribution for some time and an early first draft of its documentation had been made available. After putting the new system to heavy use in a real, bibliographic-intensive book project, and after much fighting back-and-forth over specifications and design choices, the upcoming beta standalone distribution will finally contain this completely revamped subsystem. Note that it is not yet complete, but has been stabilized enough to make this revision available. The rewritten documentation is not quite ready yet either, but a completely rewritten new draft will be made available in a very short time. We promise! * WARNING * As details of the interface have changed and the documentation is not quite there yet, do not attempt to use this for any serious project for the moment. And if you are presently using the pre-beta version of the new subsystem that has been distributed with the standalone, DO NOT UPDATE your standalone unless you are prepared to see some changes. Hans and Alan (also with the help of Thomas and Luigi). MWE Below is a minimal working example: \startbuffer [test] @Article{article, Title = {Article title}, Author = {ArticleLastnameA, FirstnameA} # { and ArticleLastnameB, FirstnameB} # { and ArticleLastnameC, FirstnameC} # { and ArticleLastnameD, FirstnameD} # { and ArticleLastnameE, FirstnameE} # { and ArticleLastnameF, FirstnameF} # { and ArticleLastnameG, FirstnameG}, Journal = {Journal name}, Year = {YYYY}, Note = {note...}, Number = {number}, Pages = {ff--tt}, Volume = {volume}, Doi = {doi|-|specification}, Keywords = {keyword1; keyword2; keyword3}, } @Book{book, Title = {Book title}, Title = {Title2}, Author = {BookAuthorLastnameA, Firstname and BookAuthorLastnameB, Firstname Middle and BookAuthorLastnameC, Firstname-Combined}, Editor = {EditorLastname, Firstname}, Editor = {EditorLastname2, Firstname}, Publisher = {Publisher}, Year = {YYYY}, Address = {Address}, Edition = {edition}, Keywords = {book}, } \stopbuffer \usebtxdataset[test.buffer] \starttext \cite[article,book] \startbackmatter \startchapter[title=Bibliography] \placelistofpublications \stopchapter \stopbackmatter \stoptext