On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 19:29, Matija Šuklje wrote:
Dne nedelja 4. aprila 2010 ob 19:23:18 je Peter Wüsten napisal(a):
I just tried using an SVG image directly in MkIV, and it worked like a breeze. Apparently ConTeXt converts the image to PDF on the fly as I found a PDF-file with a similar name (m_k_v_i_<your SVG filename>.pdf) in the same directory as the SVG-file.
If you would still love to convert your SVG-images you might want to use Inkscape: inkscape --export-pdf=<PDF filename> <SVG filename>
Thanks for the tips :)
But actually I'm thinking more in the line of including that logo into my styling directly. So the only solutions would be a) if ConTeXt could use in-line SVG or b) I'll have to port the SVG logo into MetaPost.
Is there a non-overhelming howto somewhere ...It's a relatively simple logo (see attachment) :\
I don't know of any "waterproof" way to convert from SVG to metapost (all you can do is to convert it to PDF and use that PDF logo), but here's an approximation of your logo in metapost (the legs are wider - you'll need to fix the details by yourself): \starttext \startMPcode unit := 5cm; dx := 1.2; color maincolor; maincolor = (0,0.9,0); % fixme path p; p := unitsquare scaled unit; fill p withcolor maincolor; fill p shifted ( dx*unit,0) withcolor maincolor; fill p shifted (-dx*unit,0) withcolor maincolor; fill p shifted (0, dx*unit) withcolor maincolor; p := p xscaled ((3-dx)/4) shifted (0,-dx*unit); fill p withcolor maincolor; fill p xyscaled (-1,1) shifted (unit,0) withcolor maincolor; \stopMPcode \stoptext Mojca