On Sat, 06 May 2023 16:10:31 -0800
skyhorse--- via ntg-context
Hans Hagen via ntg-context
wrote: ...... Oh, so a bug, I'll fix the message. Not really a unit but then, feet is also not one.
That is incorrect. Feet is an establish and proper unit of measurement, which consists of 12 inches. It is used by, at least, several hundred million people. It can be said that the ability to grok and manipulate fractions has many benefits, which the metric system sorely lacks.
The inch is properly defined as *exactly* 2.54cm. So the foot is a proper unit defined as 12*2.54cm. Manipulating fractions, I stated, is the entire point of Imperial measurements. Now go figure: Physical Review Letters once objected to my publishing a graph without units on the abscissa. I satisfied the editor by adding $[m\times m^{-1}]$ (my graph was in radians). Alan