For this metafun has been extended with a few more shading commands, with the nicest being: […]
Very nice these commands! I like them. But the shadings in MP still have problems with transparency. Example below. I guess, it's not supported. If not, are you planing to add it or is it unlikely? \starttext \definecolor [red-t] [r=1, t=.6, a=normal] \definecolor [blue-t] [b=1, t=.4, a=normal] \startMPpage % Works path p; p:=fullsquare scaled 5cm; fill p withshading("linear", llcorner p, urcorner p) withcolor \MPcolor{red} shadedinto \MPcolor{blue}; % The entire square is transparent, % not just the shading part path p; p:=fullsquare scaled 5cm shifted (5cm, 0cm); fill p withshading("linear", llcorner p, urcorner p) withcolor \MPcolor{red} shadedinto \MPcolor{blue-t}; % Error % path p; p:=fullsquare scaled 5cm shifted (10cm, 0cm); % fill p % withshading("linear", llcorner p, urcorner p) % withcolor \MPcolor{red-t} shadedinto \MPcolor{blue}; \stopMPpage \stoptext Marco