On Thu, 1 Mar 2007, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
On Mar 1, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
thanks! This made me experiment with my file again, and it turned out there is some strange interference because I have defined a command in \setuphead[section]. When I comment it out, I get the output I want. I'll do some more experiments and will report back.
OK, after some more experiments: it looks like I can't have a command= AND a \hfill in my sections. I have something like
\setuphead [section] [command=\incrementSlideNumber, page=yes, ]
in my definition. If I comment the command= line out or put a \ in front of the comma at the end, the section title looks the way I want, but the command does (of course) not work any longer. If I have the command, the \hfill is not honored. Strange, but I can live with it.
Can you provide some more details? This works fine here \setuphead[section][command=\mycommand] \def\mycommand#1#2{\framed[width=0.8\textwidth]{#1#2}} \starttext \section{ABC\hfill DEF} \stoptext Aditya