BF = body font
HF = head font
A = arial
T = times new roman
V = verdana
OT = 12 = 12pt
OF = 14 = 14pt
See comments in fontswitch.tex
In attachment...
- fontswitch.tex: minimal example
- tps_arial.tex, tps_timesnewroman.tex, tps_verdana.tex: typescripts
- fontswitch.log for BFT14 + HFV14 -> font error ( same with BFA14 + HFV14 )
- fontswitch.pdf for BFT14 + HFV14 : chapter head is blank ( same with BFA14 + HFV14 )
After testing different font(switching) combinations...
- BFA14 or BFT14 + HFVx with x not 14pt compile and print the generated pdf fine
- BFV14 + HFV14 compiles and prints the generated pdf fine
- BFA12, BFT12, BFV12 + HFV14 or HFV12 compile and print the generated pdf fine
Qué passa ?

                               SURPRISE, SURPRISE...

Banker Logic: The More You Screw Up, The More You Get Paid...

CEOs Caught Scheming On Tape
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwbE-y2Rx6I or
