Am 30.10.2012 um 13:36 schrieb Marco Patzer
2012-10-30 Wolfgang Schuster:
\midaligned {\startcombination[2*1] {\externalfigure[dummy][]}{aaaaaa} {\externalfigure[dummy][]}{bbbbbb} \stopcombination}
With the new beta you can replace
\startmidaligned … \stopmidaligned
I already noted that. I appreciate the movement to a more uniform \start…\stop syntax.
Not all people on the list to read the dev list :)
Just a random thought: Would it be possible or even make sense to uniform the syntax even further and maybe merge the functionality into \startalignment? At the moment we have one command with an argument for alignments:
\startalignment [right|middle|left] \input knuth \stopalignment
however three different command for boxed alignments (furthermore, \startrightaligned works just the opposite of \startalignment[right]):
\startrightaligned FooBar \stoprightaligned
\startmidaligned FooBar \stopmidaligned
\startleftaligned FooBar \stopleftaligned
This might be easy to remember for us who still know the \midaligned{} syntax, but I guess for new users it's confusing. Additionally, the difference between the commands is unclear. What about an interface like this:
\startlinealignment [right|middle|left] FooBar \stoplinealignment
Taking this one step further would be to merge both into one command:
\startalignment [align=left, alternative=???] \input knuth \stopalignment
\startalignment [align=left, alternative=!!!] FooBar \stopalignment
Not sure if this method is too complicated for a few people. Wolfgang