This works
\definefontfeature[default] [default] [mode=node,script=latn] \definefontfeature[smallcaps][smallcaps][mode=node,script=latn]
Thank you once again. That _did_ work, after I got rid of an \os (I used it because I saw it in the manual). The command \definefontfeature intrigues me greatly. I wonder if it could solve all my problems. I'd love to understand it so that I don't end up coming in here and asking you to write all my font setups line by line. I Googled it and found only a few scattered examples here and there, mostly from this list. I wish I could find an explanation of it written down somewhere. For example, I would very much like to know: 1. What the first two arguments do. 2. What keys and values are available for the third, and what they mean. 3. Once I have composed a \definefontfeature command, how do I use it in the text. 4. For example, I gathered that I needed a [default] [default] [...onum=yes...] to get oldstyle numerals by default, but what if I want to use some lining numerals here and there? \definefontfeature [lining] [lining] [...onum=no...] {\lining 123} doesn't do it. 5. How I could use the superior and inferior shapes in my font---like for the footnotemarks, for example? 6. Could I use \definefontfeature to set up the different design sizes of my font (I'm trying to use some standard Adobe fonts like Garamond Premiere Pro, which have design sizes), as well as its other features? 7. Maybe \definefontfeature is how I should turn on hz? I'm sure these things must be possible, but I'm stumped about how to find them out. -- m