On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 16:31, Hans Hagen wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
But still I would ask Hans to add the following line to enco-ini.mkiv:
\defineaccent ~ N {\Ntilde} \defineaccent ~ n {\ntilde}
(I always thought that these lines were "auto-generated" from Unicode data on the fly.)
not this one; the ntild probably got lost at some point during cleaning up
I would bet that not many people would use those characters if any, but on the list quite some more characters are missing that exist in Unicode: Zcircumflex, Ngrave, Wgrave, Etilde, Vtilde, Ytilde, Hdiaeresis, Tdiaeresis, Wdiaeresis, Xdiaeresis, Gacute, Kacute, Macute, Pacute, Wacute, ... (I stopped at acute, there are a few more accents ...) But just repeating the pattern (\defineaccent ^ Z {\Zcircumflex}) would mean having to define new named entities. In MKII these would not make any sense at all as there was no TeX encoding supporting these characters. An alternative would be to define them directly from Unicode data in MKIV. I'm not suggesting that this needs to be added ... Extra low priority task, or if someone else asks. Mojca