On Jul 13, 2006, at 22:27, Hans Hagen wrote:
Hans van der Meer wrote:
I want to do something with & in tables (making it an active column separator). Now I have a macro with two arguments for parameters in Context style:
\def\starttablex{\dodoubleargument\dostarttablex} \def\dostarttablex[#1][#2]{%
Now for input:�\starttable[][] & ... all is well, but for input: \starttable[]� �& ... the ampersand appears to be eaten up by the double argument expansion.
starttable or starttablex
Sorry, but I am missing your point here. Does your answer imply that I cannot work with a [][]-parameterlist? That would be problematic because I am using your getparameters-thing extensively. Or do you mean something else that will stop the parameter gathering at the & ?
btw, messing around with & is dangerous in tex
I know, I know, ... Hans van der Meer