Dear list, I use for one of my own projects some code given by Wolfgang to Fabrice (see below), which is working fine : at the end of each chapter, I've placed a framed text as a summary (25 lines with few footnotes). I have 2 questions : 1. What are the keys to manage the space before and after the frame ? Here I have : \defineframedtext [MyFrame] [before={\blank}, after={\blank}, frame=off, background=MyFrame, %width=\textwidth, width=max, height=fit, style=regular] But the [before={\blank} command forces the framed text to be printed on the next page. Is there other keys to better fit this framed text ? 2. As you see, the key style is 'regular' here; I know it might be 'italics' or 'bold'. But I want to play with the size of the fonts only in this frame. How can achieve that ? Many thanks for your help. JP This is the sample code : % Begin framed text settings \defineframedtext [MyFrame] [before={\blank}, after={\blank}, frame=off, background=MyFrame, %width=\textwidth, width=max, height=fit, style=regular] \definelabel [Definition] [headstyle=\bf\smallcaps] \startuseMPgraphic{MyFrame} path b; picture p; %p := textext.rt("\white\Definition"); p := textext.rt("\white\framedtextparameter{Title}"); %p := textext.rt("\white\getvariable{text}{text1}"); p := p shifted (2BodyFontSize,OverlayHeight-ypart center p+.25ExHeight); b := boundingbox p leftenlarged .5EmWidth rightenlarged .5EmWidth; fill OverlayBox withcolor lightgray; %\MPcolor{ fill b withcolor darkred; draw bottomboundary OverlayBox withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor darkred; draw topboundary OverlayBox withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor darkred; draw p; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 2mm; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [MyFrame] [\useMPgraphic{MyFrame}] % end framed text settings