On 03/08/2017 10:28 AM, Henri Menke wrote:
\startTABLE[align={lohi,middle}] \NC OSI-Schicht \NC[nx=6] Umsetzung \NC\NR \NC Anwendungsschicht \NC[nx=2,ny=3] SOME/I \NC[nx=2,ny=3] AVB/TSN \NC[nx=2,ny=3] DoIP \NC\NR \NC Darstellungsschicht \NC\NR \NC Sitzungsschicht \NC\NR \NC Transportschicht \NC[nx=3] TCP \NC[nx=3] UDP \NC\NR \NC Vermittlungsschicht \NC[nx=3] IPv4 \NC[nx=3] IPv6 \NC\NR \NC Sicherungsschicht \NC[nx=6] Ethernet \NC\NR \NC Bitübertragungsschicht \NC[nx=2] 100BASE-TX \NC[nx=2] 100BASE-T \NC[nx=2] 1000BASE-T \NC\NR \stopTABLE
Because that's not a natural table. You're confusing the old TABLE environment (\startTABLE) with natural tables (\bTABLE; \NC[nx=3] should be \bTD[nx=e]). And it's inconsistent. If you want six columns, you have to tell ConTeXt what it should do in rows 3 and 4, where you define only one column. Thomas