On 02/09/2012 12:30 AM, Pontus Lurcock wrote:
On Wed 08 Feb 2012, Verhaag, G.C.H.M. wrote:
When I for example use \useexternaldocument[tst][test][A test external] together with \from[tst] the test.pdf file is correctly opened in Acrobat Reader.
But the \in{section}[tst::crossref] doesn't open the test.pdf file at all?! The jump to the 'crossref' section doesn't seem to work! Please take a look at the two included test files.
I first compile test.tex followed by the compilation of crossref.tex. Currently I use: ConTeXt ver: 2012.01.25 14:16 MKIV fmt: 2012.2.7 int: english/english.
I get the same behaviour as you (context MkIV 2011.10.01, Adobe Reader 9.4, Linux) -- reference to file works, reference to section doesn't. But I don't know how to fix it.
Pont ....
Hi, Thanks for confirming the problem, so it looks like a bug?! Nobody else has reported this problem, does that mean that this feature is not being used, or has it been working in the past? Hopefully Hans reads this mail, and can fix the problem. I want to use the feature in a new project, and noticed it while doing some tests! Regards, Gerard Verhaag